Our 100% focus on tourism and location marketing has the advantage that we know the market and the most successful methods for its development very well due to daily experience. This means that you can count on proven know-how when developing your strategy.

Market research is one of the key points of your marketing and gains in importance during a reorientation. It is about identifying trends and benchmarks so that you can develop a basis for defining your market position.

Our experience shows that a neutral and unbiased view from the outside often leads to astonishing findings. Self-perception and external perception often do not match. Apart from that, an outside view also allows your business processes to be scrutinised and efficiency analyses can be carried out.




At the end of the analysis phase, findings are summarised and the most important consequences for your future are determined. Without this basis, no serious strategy can be developed or renewed.

Our experience may be of most use to you here, because we know the main and niche markets in which you will operate in the future. The fertility of these markets as well as their chances of success are of great importance when it comes to the concrete implementation of the insights gained.

When it comes to redesigning a brand, starting with the naming, you can count on our expertise. Usually it's about the creative implementation and the correct use in all your business stationery, publications, internet and advertising material.



Operational goals must be measurable and realistic. Even image and market penetration goals can be measured. The motivational factor of well-set goals should not be underestimated.

This is about the appropriate orientation of your offer to the desired target groups, e.g. determining where you wish to “perform”. 

The most successful marketing tools in tourism vary greatly from country to country. Most of the time, the instruments have to be adapted to the budget, whereas it would actually be right to subordinate them to the objectives.

"Structure follows strategy" and not vice versa. That's why the questions about budget and infrastructure are only coming up now. We know that in reality it often looks the other way round. This is precisely why long-term planning is of great importance.